Discover AGRI'EXPO, showcasing biosourcing innovations at the Paris International Agricultural Show, leading the way to sustainable agriculture

AGRI'EXPO : an educational space around the biosourced!

Logo Agri'Expo

Today, the agricultural sector is one of the players in the circular economy and makes its contribution to the preservation of the environment. It promotes a sustainable production model through the reuse of agricultural waste, the conversion to organic farming, the optimization of phytosanitary products, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of agroecology...

THE OBJECTIVE: to find solutions that respect nature and make it a common issue accessible to all!

It is within this framework that the International Agricultural Show is presenting the 5th edition of AGRI'EXPO at the heart of pavilion 2.2 Crops and plant sectors.

What you will find at the AGRI'EXPO 2024 edition :

What are biosourced products?

A biobased product is a product made partially or entirely from biomass. Biomass is all materials of biological origin (i.e. from living organisms), excluding fossilized materials such as petroleum or coal*.

Examples of biomass used in biobased products: plants, animals, agricultural products and co-products, sea resources, wood, co-products of the food industry ...

Why biobased products?

Biobased products offer an alternative to products derived from fossil resources and contribute to the ecological transition under certain conditions.

The 2024 edition of AGRI'EXPO

The watchword for this new edition: more education and interactivity, a global offer whose entry key is learning in a playful way, with in particular the presence of a material library allowing to touch the raw materials used to manufacture biosourced products. Immersive tour with the Biosourced Labyrinth, painting workshop with algae-based paint, quizzes, questions and answers ... This complete device will allow visitors to test, experiment and learn about the biosourced sector in France, within a space designed in sustainable materials: hemp carpet, algae-based paint, wood ...

With the support of the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

Logo Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

The Alliance for European Flax and Hemp is the only European agro-industrial organisation of reference on a global scale that federates all the actors of the European flax and hemp value chain.

The European Flax and Hemp Alliance has a triple mission: to inform members, brands and consumers, to support the European ecosystem and know-how, and to promote European flax and hemp as the preferred sustainable premium fibres worldwide. It brings together more than 10,000 companies across 16 European countries, and articulates its actions around the values of collective action, innovation, scientific validation and respect for people and the planet.

It works to raise the international profile of European flax and hemp, whose technical and environmental qualities inspire worldwide creation and offer new perspectives for industrial innovation. It guarantees the traceability of linen fibre through the EUROPEAN FLAX® and MASTERS OF LINEN® certifications.

The European Flax and Hemp Alliance is the new name of the CELC, an association created in 1951. Western Europe is the world's largest producer of flax fibre (France, Belgium and the Netherlands account for 80% of production).

*Definition ADEME - Agency for Ecological Transition

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