Dive into the world of dogs and cats at the Paris International Agricultural Show. Discover the breeds, attend agility demonstrations, and explore products for these cherished companions.
Two dogs on a leash

Dogs and Cats at the Salon

In pavilion 7.2 dedicated to dogs and cats, find numerous stands for the well-being of your pets (food, accessories), and discover dog and cat breeders. 

The Central Canine Society partners with the LOOF (manager of the canine and feline genealogical records) to create a “Dogs & Cats” hub. 

Visit the professional cat breeders at the LOOF (Official Book of Feline Origins) space, an organization approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, to learn everything about cats and the various breeds that exist. Every day, breeders with their pedigree cats meet the public. It's an opportunity for everyone to learn more about the breed that best suits them. 

Accompanied by their breeders, find the most popular cat breeds like Maine Coon, British Shorthair, and Persian, and dog breeds such as the Australian Shepherd, Golden Retriever, or French Bulldog. 

The podium of animations 

The dog and cat podium: a great program for 2024.

During the 9 days of the show, you'll find a wide range of events in pavilion 7.2.

Gendarmerie dog demonstration

Demonstration by the Yvelines Gendarmerie dog teams

  • A presentation of the gendarmerie's canine teams and their missions (with a dog wearing a protective mask)
  • A demonstration (search for narcotics or explosives in suitcases, search for pyrotechnic products on a person)
  • Questions / answers with the public

Demonstration by the Paris Guide Dog School

Discover the 3 important stages in the training of a guide dog for the blind. 

Obedience demonstration, awareness, and finally an obstacle management demonstration, come and learn more about their training! 
Guide dog for the blind
Soldier bandaging a dog

Animal First Aid – Humanimal and the 132nd Cynotechnical Infantry Regiment

Humanimal, an expert and recognized training organization in the field of Canine and Feline Prevention and First Aid, offers targeted activities throughout the SIA on common issues. 

The 132nd Cynotechnical Infantry Regiment trains, assesses, and certifies the core skills of the specialized infantryman/dog team, as well as the integration of dog handlers and military dogs in the Army's canine units. 

Accidents are common in everyday life, and some require the implementation of easily accessible techniques, while other issues can be prevented through knowledge, observation, and appropriate prevention. 

In operational missions, it's the same for detection or intervention dogs, which can be injured by their engagement environment. 

We propose to discuss some of these themes with you: Heatstroke, choking, cardiac arrest, eye injuries, carrying injured animals of different sizes. Explaining basic rules and demonstrating the techniques in front of you. 

Let's not leave the fate of our pets or our specialized dogs to chance! 

Dog Dance

Dog doing dog dance
Children around a dog

Dogs and children: the right gestures

Dogs and Children - the right actions Activities that provide a summary of the dog awareness and bite accident risk education program for children, which can be provided in schools, after-school, or extracurricular settings. 

Come discover this program with your child: decode a dog's emotions and intentions, learn how to approach a dog, and what to do in case of an aggressive dog will be the main focus of this activity. 

How to approach a dog, what are the right actions, role-playing, demonstrations with dogs, simulations. 

How to protect oneself in case of aggression, learning and demonstration of various techniques, hands-on practice. 

Living with Dogs Workshop: better understand emotions in dogs, greet a dog, how to play with a dog as a child. 

Canine Behaviorism

This session will be led by Clarisse Charles, founder of Cani'House, who aims to enlighten minds on canine education. 

Clarisse will answer the most frequently asked questions by owners. This is your opportunity to take the microphone and ask any questions you have! 30 minutes of exchange, in respect and kindness. 

Maybe you have preconceptions about dogs, training techniques, certain breeds... Is it better to buy a puppy from a breeder? To adopt a dog with a past? Is it too late to retrain your dog? Is your dog's behavior so ingrained that you think it's a lost cause? Clarisse will be pleased to enlighten you on various aspects of education and behavior. 

So don't wait any longer, and book 30 minutes in your schedule to attend this activity! 

Woman surrounded by two dogs
Cat shown in a woman's arms

Presentation of Cat Breeds – LOOF (Official Book of Feline Origins)