The Educational Farm
The Educational Farm was created to bring together in one place the various animal species present at the Paris International Agricultural Show. In dedicated areas such as the poultry yard, the sheepfold, the stable, and the cowshed, visitors will have the opportunity to discover 237 rabbits from over 31 breeds and 55 different varieties, "Thônes et Marthod" sheep, Cotentin donkeys, "Pie Rouge" cows, as well as a Saanen goat, a Poitevine goat, and an Alpine goat.
The main objective is to encourage interaction between the public and animal enthusiasts: breeders, passionate individuals working to preserve ancient breeds, and veterinarians.
Every day, these professionals will host activities in the Educational Farm's animation area. Both young and old will have the chance to get close to the animals and learn more about their way of life, their unique characteristics, and how to care for them through four key themes:
• One Health – One Single Health: Highlighting the connections between human and animal health and how our actions, whether intentional or not, impact the ecosystems we live in
• Animal welfare
• Responsible ownership: Best practices before adopting an animal
• Animal-related professions.
The Balto veterinary bus
Balto, the first solidarity veterinary medicine bus in France will be present at the 2025 Show!
The Balto project is a unique system in France which meets the animal health needs of homeless people by offering them free access to veterinary care.
- The result of a partnership between Vétérinaire Pour Tous, the Student Veterinary Dispensary, and the Lyon Veterinary School (VetAgro Sup), this service operates mainly in the Lyon region and its surroundings, to guarantee homeless animals the care necessary for their well-being.
- Balto is deployed in the form of a solidarity bus, equipped with all the equipment necessary to provide veterinary care.
- The bus also provides a work office for social workers, offering them a space to help disadvantaged people with their administrative and social procedures.
- The Balto project is much more than just a veterinary service. It embodies a supportive and inclusive approach which contributes to the reintegration of homeless people, by allowing them to maintain their connection with their animal companion, essential to their balance.
Integrated into the veterinary center* of Pavilion 4 with a special solidarity veterinary medicine center, the bus and the teams reserve visits for the general public during the week!
*with SNVEL, the national veterinary schools of France and the educational farm.


The Educational Farm at the Show is created in partnership with the Fédération Avicole d’Île-de-France and the SNVEL.
ENVF : French National Veterinary Schools
SNVEL : National Union of Private Practice Veterinarians
ICAD : Identification of domestic carnivores
IFAP : Identification of protected wildlife
IFCE : French Institute of Horse and Riding
BDNI : National database of animal identification
IDELE : Institut de l'élevage
APFORM : Animal Pro Formation